Shaping Our Children’s View of the World

Ensuring Faith is Always at the Forefront

Nebraska winters mark a season where try as we might, it is just about impossible to keep a vehicle clean. The spray from roadways slowly creates a layer of unavoidable grime. The windshield is the one location where the buildup of sludge can cause dangerous conditions for a driver. If the washer fluid runs out and there is not a clear line of sight, conditions become unsafe for not only the driver but for other vehicles on the road.

The Challenge All Christian Parents Face

This same scenario holds true for us as parents. One of the biggest challenges we face as Christian parents is raising our children, so their “windshield” of faith stays clean and free from the grime culture that is spraying their way. While I was sitting in church last fall my pastor shared a statistic that weighed heavy on my heart. As a Christian school educator and parent of 3 daughters ages 10, 12 & 15, it hit very close to home. He shared a recent survey conducted by Barna Group that suggested less than one-half of one percent of Christians ages 18-23 have a Biblical Worldview. 

A worldview is a set of beliefs and assumptions a person uses when interpreting the world around them. Everyone has a worldview. Our personal worldviews impact not only the decisions we make but the way we receive and filter the endless amount of information from our culture.

Barna Group defines a Biblical Worldview as belief in the following six statements based on scripture. They represent absolute truths fundamental to the Christian faith.

Every day, worldly influences are blurring these truths until our personal worldview is at risk of becoming less than Biblical. The study revealed that we have a high percentage of young Christians who are traveling on the roadway of faith with a hazy windshield—unaware of the unsafe conditions.

If youth don’t have a safe haven to express their doubts and concerns about faith before leaving home, they fall away from the church and a Biblical Worldview.

Four Practices to Reinforce

So, what practical solution exists for fighting against grime? There are four proven practices that will aid in ensuring our children’s windows stay clean and don’t distract them from the safety and security of a Christian worldview.

1. Create a safe environment for questions. Make sure it is okay within your home to discuss questions and express doubt. Our kids need the chance to ask questions and share uncertainty in a place where they know they will be listened to and taken seriously. Open up a dialogue and dig into the answers with them. Sometimes the best way to grow in your own faith is by sharing in the journey with a loved one.

2. Talk to your child. Do you know what they believe? Ask them pointed questions about their faith and their perspective on the world. These conversations will look different at different age levels and developmental stages, but once your child is school-age, get the conversation started.

3. Connect your child with other Christian adults. Most churches have some sort of active youth program. This can serve as a wonderful setting for kids to wrestle through tough questions with someone not named “mom” or “dad.” Christian schools can also serve as a partner with parents who want to connect their children with strong Christian mentors during the most challenging developmental stages.

4. Network with other Christian parents. There are plenty of other parents who are going through similar experiences and challenges. You don’t have to feel alone and try to come up with all the answers. Offer mutual support and prayer for the eternally important task of raising children with a Biblical Worldview. It’s not going to go perfectly and that’s ok. Caring enough to keep growing as a parent will have a lasting impact on the life of your child.

Thank you for understanding the importance of a Biblical Worldview for your child! The Lutheran Schools of Lincoln would love to partner in your child’s faith formation journey. Our schools serve families from more than 60 churches in the greater Lincoln community and have convenient locations throughout the city. To learn more about Lutheran Schools of Lincoln visit

This blog post was written by Scott Ernstmeyer, EdS.  Scott has served in Christian schools for 23 years and is currently the Executive Director of the Lincoln Lutheran School Association.

The Impact of Worldview

The blog post below was originally written four years ago, but the truths expressed in the writing do not change. Lutheran Schools of Lincoln provide a resource to the parents within the Lincoln community (not just “Lutheran” parents) as they seek to raise their children with a Biblical worldview. There are many benefits of choosing a Christian school — ranging from their sense of community, and the amazingly dedicated teachers to the many ways students have a chance to discover their God-given talents. However, the most distinct benefit they provide is to challenge young people to develop a worldview that reflects Biblical values. God’s blessings to you as you encourage your children on their faith journey.